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Using One-Click Payment in Mobile Application

Choosing a bank card as a payment method, you can link it to your account in the bookland.com bookstore mobile application. This means that you will not have to enter your bank card details for future purchases. Bank card payments are made through the PayOnline System payment center. Now you can pay for your purchases at bookland.com in the PocketBook Reader application in one click!

To link your bank card to the account:

  1. Select "Add bank card" when depositing money in your account or when buying a book.
  2. Enter your bank card details and purchase amount in the application’s interface.
  3. Tick the "Remember card" option.
  4. Press "OK".
5) When buying a book in the "Book purchase" interface, confirm the purchase by pressing the "Purchase" button.

A message will be sent to your account’s email address confirming payment authorization. For any subsequent purchase, the amount will be withdrawn automatically during payment confirmation. There are no payment fees.

All bank card details sent to the PayOnline System processing center are protected in accordance with the requirements of the PCI DSS Security Standard.

Content Management S.A. only receives information that your payment has been made.

To remove your bank card from the account:

  1. Go to "My cards" in the settings menu.
  2. Select your card.
  3. Press "Delete".
  4. Confirm card removal.

About PayOnline System processing center

PayOnline System processing center uses market-leading Internet data protection technology SSL Version 3.0. This protocol is based on the authentication of interacting parties and data encryption using symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. The PayOnline System payment solution architecture is designed to ensure that the customer’s payment bank card details (number, expiration date, CVV2/CVC2) do not fall into the hands of fraudsters, as this data is used only during authorization, is not available to the service platform, or to employees of Content Management S.A. or third parties, and therefore may not be stolen.




Other mandatory requirements

Other mandatory requirements may be contained in the relevant website or device use rules. The management reserves the right to make changes to the procedure for using the above services at any time and at its sole discretion and recommends to periodically check the latest versions of this and other legal documents.